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Ampirical Golf Tournament
Thursday, April 20, 2023

The Fallen Linemen Organization is a 501(c)3 Non-profit Organization with the mission to memorialize fallen electrical line workers, and care for the families who have lost or are impacted by a severe injury of a loved one in the line of duty. We strive to consolidate accident and injury information to share openly for a safer work environment.

Why the Fallen Linemen Organization Started

The electric line industry employs approximately 200,000 hard working men and women and is in the top five for most dangerous jobs. It takes approximately another 150,000 workers to support these linemen and linewomen. Due to the aging infrastructure around the country and storms that devastate communities, these men and women are forced to work in extremely hazardous conditions. They perform their duties without expecting recognition or praise with devout dedication. These men and women are proud to call themselves linemen. Of those employed, an average of 45 linemen a year loses their lives in the line of duty, leaving families who depend on them. We appreciate their work on the line that is often taken for granted. We set up this organization to do exactly what our mission statement says: To memorialize fallen electrical line workers and care for their families by providing moral and financial support.